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andym last won the day on August 2 2023

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38 Excellent

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  • Location
    Portsmouth, UK
  • Occupation
    Chartered Engineer

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  1. I renew my HGV licence annually due to the medical requirements for over-65s as there doesn't seem any point it letting it lapse. Andy
  2. I don't think that any have been officially released yet? Andy
  3. With difficulty I suspect, but most parts are the same as 432 anyway? Andy
  4. andym

    Adverts !

    What adverts? Have you got some junk cookies that need clearing out, perhaps? Andy
  5. It seems that they do have two sockets, I obviously hadn't noticed on mine - it's probably got the blanking plug inserted. http://www.fv432apc.com/fv430webzine/issueone/fv430webzinefv430nightscope.html Andy
  6. I was wondering that, but aren't they both male? I'd expect one to be female if was a daisy chain output? Andy
  7. That's odd, I don't recall my one having two power sockets? Andy
  8. It definitely would be easier! As a Chartered Electrical Engineer I just used Mark 1 eyeball and a multimeter. 🙂 Andy
  9. Unfortunately not as mine is an add-on because I don't have a 24V alternator, rather a 24V converter run off the 12V alternator. I just looked at the internals and worked out what to do. The AESP (2320-E-200-302) doesn't show the diagram for the TCB carrier variant, which is annoying. Andy
  10. This box? Mine didn't originally come from an RB44 but I think it's identical. Andy
  11. It's not a tank either! (If they want it removed I'll be happy to take it!) Andy
  12. Tries to come to the rescue, methinks? Andy
  13. Might need public liability insurance, perhaps? 🙂 Andy
  14. Any chance they might do the obvious and revert to mechanical locks? 🙂 Andy
  15. I continue to be amazed that the manufacturers of Chelsea Tractors don't do something about their woeful vehicle security. They just seem content to pass the problem to the insurance companies and thence to all of us in increased premiums all round. Does anyone really need keyless entry or ignition? Andy
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